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Steve Jobs

Having brought Apple (AAPL) back from the brink of a premature death following his return to the CEO's office in 1996, Jobs has revolutionized how we consume media of all kinds, whether music, TV shows, and movies. Itunes is now the biggest retailer of music, be it digital or tangible—in the U.S., having sold 5 billion songs as of June. Since 2007 he's turned his attention to the wireless world, challenging entrenched players like Motorola and Research In Motion with the iPhone.


Domadis Cabrera

About Author

Geek por naturaleza. Technorati por pasión. Emprendedor y amante del buen diseño. Disfruto probando cualquier cosa relacionada con la tecnología, da igual si es software o hardware. Viajero frecuente y amante de la adrenalina. Me divierte solucionar problemas y puedes seguirme en tu red social favorita, sólo tienes que buscarme por mi nombre.

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