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Apple launches a new app for the Apple TV

TV app
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TV app

Apple has announced the launch of TV, a brand new content consumption app that aims to bridge the gap between the Apple TV, iPhone, and the iPad.

This is essentially a storefont to the massive amount of video content that can be found on iTunes, as well as on other competing services.

It also comes with some features that promise to enhance the viewing experience. As the user moves from device to device, it preserves their place in the show or film they’re watching. As you might expect, it also comes with Siri support baked in.

This follows the announcement that Twitter’s Apple TV app will land on the platform, allowing users to view their Twitter feed while watching content from the NFL and Bloomberg.


About Marco Breidas

Científico, cinéfilo, melómano y amante de los videojuegos de pelea. Creyente por deducción. Perspicaz por naturaleza. Fan del misterio y de la tecnología. Positivo y votante del PACMA.

Marco Breidas

About Author

Científico, cinéfilo, melómano y amante de los videojuegos de pelea. Creyente por deducción. Perspicaz por naturaleza. Fan del misterio y de la tecnología. Positivo y votante del PACMA.

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